Thursday, October 27, 2005

Ruby on Rails

I am a perl programmer. I am a Bishop on 'Being a Perl Programmer' is what I do every day at my job. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that Perl is the only language on the planet. But the long and short of it is, I haven't found anything that I CANNOT do in Perl.
Lately, there has been some buzz about Ruby on Rails, a MVC framework based on the Ruby language. I have set up a server and have been playing around with it, dipping my toe into the world that is Ruby. So far, I have to say that it looks cool. I'm intrigued enough to keep going, which did not happen at all when I looked into Java.
So, if you are interested in getting your toes wet as well, check out the funny and smart Amy Hoy blog entry Really Getting Started in Rails. If there is a Ruby foundation, they should pay this woman to write their documentation for them. Great stuff!


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