Thursday, September 29, 2005

Fall in Holland

The air has already gotten that crisp taste, the sun is shining a little brighter than normal, the wind a little more penetrating, the females wearing fewer and longer dresses. Skirts are like inverted thermometers, just an observation, but I wasn't observating, I swear! The trees haven't started to turn yet, but they soon will.

World Gone Mad

In a World Gone Mad, their love fiery passion unslaked hungers could Not Be Quenched! From the Producers of such classic films as "Vengenance And Blood, the Musical" and the chilling story of one young man's journey to hell and back self discovery "Low-Protein-Adsorption Biomaterials from Polymer Blends", Samuel L. Broncowitz brings you a new tale of High Drama!

I like the concept of a movie called 'Low-Protein-Adsorption Biomaterials from Polymer Blends', (which I got from this web site, I didn't read the article). There's just not enough science, or indeed common sense in movies. I don't care if the movie is about a magic penguin on a journey to hell and (sorry!) err . . . I would just like to see common everyday physics in action. Every time I see a spark fly from a bullet impact, I cringe. It's just so . . . dumb.