Friday, October 28, 2005

Spam again

SpamAssassin + Evolution is doing a pretty good job of filtering out junk. Of the 100 or so daily emails, about 30 messages get through the filters and of those about 8 are 'real'. I have noticed something consistent about those 22 or so junk messages; they all have bad spelling.
REElY Bid speeling.
So I was thinking that adding one final spelling check on incoming mail would cut down on my spam messages to only 2 or 3 a day. As a side effect, it would mean that messages I received were spelled correctly.
How about that? Is that a good idea? Is this just so mind-blowingly super intelligent that you cannot believe that no one had thought about this before, it's SO OBVIOUS, why didn't I think about that first? Or am I missing a logical step?
You let me know, because I like you. You are a special person.
And you have been approved for a mortgage!


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