Letting Go
And I keep coming back to the whole God issue. Many of the books mentioned in my last post talk at length about the inconsistencies in the bible. So, I thought it would be a good idea for me to look them up for myself. It seemed silly to take the word of atheists on faith. Ha!
My first hurdle was something simple and obvious, the genealogy of Jesus. There's not a lot that can go wrong there, right? I mean, this is central to Christianity as a whole. If your deity does not have the proper bloodline, then everything else fails. And it did.
Fail, I mean.
Matthew's genealogy:
abraham, isaac, jacob, judah, perez, hezron, aram, aminadab, nahshon, salmon, boaz, obed, jesse, david, solomon, rehoboam, abijah, asa, jehoshaphat, joram, uzziah, jotham, ahaz, hezekiah, manaseh, amon, josiah, jeconiah (coniah jehoiachin, shealtiel, zerubbabel, abiud, eliakim, azor, sadoc, achim, eliud, eleazar, matthan, jacob, joseph
Luke's genealogy:
abraham, isaac, jacob, judah, perez, hezron, arni, admin, aminadab, nahshon, salmon, boaz, obed, jesse, david, nathan, mattatha, menna, melea, eliakim, jonam, joseph, judah, simeon, levi, matthat, jorim, eliezer, jesus, er, elmadam, cosam, addi, melchi, neri, shealtiel, zerubbabel, rhesa, joanan, joda, josech, semein, mattathias, maath, naggai, esli, nahum, amos, mattathias, joseph, jannai, melchi, levi, matthat, heli, joseph
They agree on the first 6, the last 1, and there are a few other random matches interspersed in there.
Okay, some Googling led me to several common explanations for the discrepancies. Among these the Catholic explanation was quite entertaining: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06410a.htm
There are, in fact, lots of theories. But they are all
So what now? What do atheists DO with themselves?